If you have visited our clinic in the last couple of months you have probably noticed some construction taking place.  We appreciate everyone’s patience during the renovation and we are very excited to share with you what it is all about.

Why are we renovating?renovation

Since we are restricted in expanding our building outward, renovating the inside allows us to better utilize the space we have to better suit the needs of our patients. One of these needs is our Doggy Daycare program.

What specifically is being renovated?

In 2010 we started promoting Doggy Daycare at our clinic. It began with Bella, a Vizsla whose family’s previous dog was a “Nervous Nellie” at the vet and they did not want the same experience for Bella. She came to stay with us during the day for socialization.
As we continued to see new puppies at the clinic, our team encouraged owners to bring their puppies to Doggy Daycare to help socialize them with both people and other dogs. Our goal was, and still is, for puppies and dogs to associate the veterinary clinic with positive experiences. Having a social puppy is just as important and having a healthy puppy. We want bringing your dog to the vet to be just as fun for them as it is sniffing through the aisles at the local pet store.
As our Doggy Daycare has grown over the years, we have outgrown our current space. Once our renovation is complete, we will not only have a large, indoor play area, but we will also be able to allow more dogs to come and socialize.
Since starting Daycare, Bella is still one of the most social dogs we see today!

When will the renovation be complete?

The estimated completion is mid-April. We are very excited and can’t wait to share it with all of you.