A wellness exam and vaccines are the expectation when you bring your pet to the Veterinarian for their yearly check-up.  But what about annual bloodwork?  It is expected for surgery or if your pet is ill, but what about when everything checks out great upon physical exam?  Is it beneficial?  Is it cost efficient?

As we humans age, bloodwork becomes part of our annual check-up to get baseline values and monitor them as we age.  This helps doctors identify any abnormalities early as well as watch any trends over time.  They then can make recommendations on lifestyle changes or medications that can help keep us healthy and feeling better longer.

What if we could do the same thing for our pets?

Did you know 1 out of 7 pets under the age of 8 have a hidden abnormality?  As our pets age, this statistic increases.  If we can find abnormalities early, we have the opportunity to make changes, whether that be lifestyle changes or medication changes to help keep your pet healthy and happy longer.  That’s what this is all about, right?

We have partnered with our lab company to provide special pricing for preventive blood panels for your pets for the month of September.  These blood panels include checking organ functions, like liver and kidneys, looks for hidden infection and inflammation, and also checks for internal parasites like heartworm disease, among other things.

We are offering up to 50% savings on preventive blood panels for your pet during the month of September.  Call the clinic or click here to request an appointment to keep your pet happy and healthy!