Is Your Pet Microchipped?

If the answer is “no” or “I am not sure”, now is the time to connect with us.

A husky in a nylon play tube

What Is A Microchip?

A microchip is a permanent form of identifcation for your pet.  It is approximately the size of a grain of rice and is administered between your pet’s shoulder plades.

An illustrated dog with a microchip

How Does It Work?

We never expect our kitty to sneak out the door as the kids are racing in and out of the house.  We never expect our pooch to bolt when the fireworks go off.  But it happens.  If your furry family member gets out and is scooped up by animal control or brought into a vet clinic, they will scan him for a microchip.  The microchip contains a unique identification code.  This ID code is linked to your information.   This allows you to be reunited with your pet fast!

A microchip reader

Why Should I Have My Pet Microchipped? 

One out of three pets will go missing in their lifetime.  That’s scary.  If your pet is microchipped, it increases the chances of being reunited by over 90%.

Do you know which day pets go missing the most?  The 4th of July.  That’s less than a month away.

HomeAgain Safety Tip

I Want To Get My Pet Microchipped, What Now?

Set up an appointment with us and we can implant the chip.  The cost of having the microchip implanted is $49.35.

To have the microchip registered, it typically costs $19.99.  This month, we are covering the cost of registration for you!