Back To School Time: How Are Your Pets Handling It?


School has officially begun!  Whether you are pushing your kids out the front door or still wishing summer could last a little longer, the change in our schedule is inevitable.  A change in routine can cause some stress on our furry companions, so it’s our responsibility to help them adjust.  Here are a few tips to make things easier for them while they wait by the door for the family to get home!

1.  Establish Play Times.  Schedule play times before school and after school with the kids to ensure your pets are getting enough activity.  If you have a dog, plan an evening walk with the whole family.  Walks are great for both exercise and stimulation for your dog.

2. Turn On Some Tunes.  Play some slow and soothing music for your pet while you are gone.  This will take away the quiet and help them feel more at ease.

3.  Enroll In A Training Class.  When things get busy, it’s easy to get lax on the rules.  A training class is both good for our pup and us, as well.  It helps us establish boundaries with our pets and reminds them what they can and can’t do.

4. Use Adaptil (for dogs) and Feliway (for cats).  These are synthetic pheromones designed to mimic those released by a mother to her offspring to help them feel more comfortable in potential stress situations.  These products are available in diffuser form and a spray for your convenience.

5.  Purchase A New Toy For Your Pet.  Your pet deserves to be spoiled every once and a while, right?  While the kids are getting school supplies and new sneakers, pick up a new interactive toy for your pet to spice things up!  Your pet will thank you!